AUBMC has been a leader in patient-centered care,
education and research in Lebanon and the region since
1902. When Ali presented us the concept of KidzMondo
as a replica of Beirut for children to learn and grow, we
knew that AUBMC had to be a part of it. The opportunity
to provide education and raise health awareness among
the younger generation was a very attractive concept for
us. We are hopeful that we will be grooming the future
physicians of their generation!
The mini-replica of AUBMC at KidzMondo will expose
children to the main aspects of a modern medical center.
Children visiting the AUBMC facility will truly have the
chance to experience what goes on inside a hospital.
will get to change and feed newborns in the nursery, visit
the replica operating room where they will be exposed to
anatomy, medical equipment and some typical procedures
that occur in an OR, such as open-heart surgery. The
Emergency Department will allow children to see how
paramedics work and learn how patients are taken care
of in emergency situations by physicians and nurses.
Further, the field of medicine is not only about teaching
healthcare and medical concepts; it is also about instilling
the values of care, compassion, humility, and respect. The
AUBMC facility at KidzMondo will operate based on the
AUBMC Core Values: Respect, Integrity, Teamwork and
Collaboration, Accountability, Stewardship and Diversity.
KidzMondo is a revolutionary concept in children’s
entertainment in Lebanon and AUBMC has been
revolutionizing healthcare for generations; that is why
our decision to collaborate on this initiative was an easy
one. Educating our children and instilling critical values in
them at such a young age all while they are enjoying their
time is the best way for us to reach them and develop the
future leaders of our nation. A famous proverb says, “Tell
me and I›ll forget. Show me, and I may not remember.
Involve me, and I›ll understand.” That is what this concept
offers our children. Myself and the entire team at AUBMC
is thrilled to see a project like KidzMondo launch in
Lebanon and we wish them the best of luck.