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24 University
Opening soon is the KidzMondo University where guests will earn their bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD degree after successfully completing the educational curriculum. When they graduate, they will proceed to work at one of the KidzMondo establishments related to their major. As in real life, the higher the degree they earn, the higher their income will be.

Guests can choose to specialize in one of the four majors available at the university: Audio Visual, Financial Management, Medicine, and, finally, Humanities and Social Studies. When they complete their studies, they will earn a diploma in one of the fields they have chosen.

While at university, they will learn to define and use many terms that are specific to their domain. Once they have graduated, they can benefit from their diploma by working at one of the KidzMondo establishments and earning Kidlars.
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The KidzMondo University where guests earn their bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD degree after successfully completing the educational... go to page
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