The donut factory is a real shop where all the machines and ingredients are available to create the best donut in town.
At this shop, guests learn about the filling process of donuts and experience eating their very own donut with flavors and toppings of their choice.
Visitors get a briefing about the making procedure and about food safety. They then proceed with the donut dough, fill it and send it to the baking area through the machine. Then, guests add the frosting and topping and finally enjoy a delicious donut that they can wrap and take to go.
Following the briefing, visitors are expected to carry out instructions in the order they are given to ensure the success of the process. This activity not only builds visitors’ knowledge of ingredients and the function of each machine but also develops skills like sequence, order and procedure. Moreover, guests will be apprised of the importance of hygiene in the food industry.
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