TPS Arts & Crafts

The TPS Arts and Crafts establishment is a workshop where visitors make useful handicraft that they take home.

This establishment provides the platform for artistic creativity and allows for free experimentation with the different tools and materials to produce a unique handicraft that is both creative and useful. 
As a committed mother and professional educational consultant, I am wholeheartedly dedicated to bringing entertaining yet educational products and concepts to the Lebanese market. We at TPS Teacher Parent Store have developed our business model around finding affordable and effective ways to help children learn and educators teach. Though we’ve already collaborated with hundreds of purely educational projects across Lebanon, including local schools and various NGO’s, KidzMondo is a truly unique partnership for us. The KidzMondo edutainment model fits perfectly with our vision of pairing education with play, and we hope our industry expertise helps to contribute the overall educational value of the project.

TPS will be the exclusive toy vendor within KidzMondo. We will also be sponsoring an arts & crafts workshop within the park, where children will be able to create beautiful masterpieces of their own while exploring their own individual talents.

Role-play, the base of the KidzMondo concept, is one of the pillars of childhood education. It has been shown to directly and positively itfluence the development of language, social, emotional and motor skills. Though role-play children will learn discipline, a greater respect for work, and develop a better appreciation for the professions and people working around their communities. They will also learn the value of time and money, two very challenging concepts that are difficult to teach within a traditional curriculum.

This project promises to open the eyes of parents to the capabilities and hidden talents of their children, as they share the KidzMondo experience with them. We have high hopes for the impact it will leave on both children and parents, and look forward to exploring new ways to remain in the service of education with our association with KidzMondo.
Lara Fayad, Owner